Say thank you!
Have regular meetings with individual team members to learn more about them
Ask your team to recognize/thank each other at staff meetings
Greet employees every morning, reinforcing the message “I’m glad you’re here”
Give an extra-long lunch break
Create and post a group celebration calendar – use it to honor specific dates and contributions (including birthdays and anniversaries)
Write three things you appreciate about each member of your team and share it with them
Give high performers more responsibility and autonomy or development opportunities for advancement
Copy or notify senior management on your thank you notes
Recognize employees’ achievements in team or staff meetings, group email, departmental bulletin boards or other public venues
Keep employees informed about what is happening in the organization and acknowledge the work and contributions of individuals and teams
Arrange for a higher manager to attend a meeting with your employees during which you thank individuals and groups for their specific contributions
Pop in at the first meeting of a special project team and express your appreciation for their involvement
Send a letter to all team members at the conclusion of a project, thanking them for their participation
Start a suggestion box and acknowledge all suggestions
Express interest in individual career development
Arrange for an outstanding employee to have lunch with a dean or director
Have a monthly breakfast meeting for the team, share ideas and recognize at least one person
Plan a pizza party
Deliver treats on a certain day each week (e.g., Popcorn Wednesday) and spend time with your team
Give flowers or balloons or candy with a thank you card
Have an ice cream social
Have a pot-luck lunch
Order in lunch/cake for team member’s birthday and/or anniversary at Penn
Give a book from a favorite author or a book that relates to his/her career
Give a framed poem or card
After a promotion, give a special gift that will help the employee in their new role
Pass-around trophy – Pick an unusual or funny object and place it on the employee’s desk for a week